
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ooops, I did it again.

You know, I don't really have much to say this week. Not because I don't have much to say, but because I'm tired. I waited too late to do this post. I would love to talk about Bodypump, which I did for the first time. I did it on Saturday and my legs are just now starting to feel normal again. And did I mention that I did it with MINIMAL weight? 4lbs? Something like that. But damn, those squats and lunges and that down for three, up for one legs are hateful. Sunday, seriously, my legs were on strike. I went swimming and it was fun being in a nice heated pool, but once I got out, they were angry again. Monday, still angry. Today, they seem to have forgiven me. I can't WAIT to try it again. LOL. It was fun. Hard, definitely, but fun. All the best things are. (hee)

Food was so-so this week. Some days I did really well, and some days.....less well. But, you know what I've noticed? Even when I don't do as well as I should, I'm nowhere near as bad as I used to be. Just awareness keeps me somewhat on the straight and narrow. If I go over calorie counts, it's by 200 calories and not 500 or 800......or more! I call that a good day.

So, the stats:

I lost 2.1 lbs this week for a grand total of........20lbs! Now, I'm at a conference so who knows what will happen by next Tuesday. But for today, I'm rocking more back of the closet jeans and having a squee.

Happy Tuesday, everybody!


Anonymous said...

Bodypump sounds interesting, but I can't do lunges like that. So I'll cheer you on from the sidelines & wish I could be there with you. :)

Woohooooo! Rock those back-of-the-closet jeans! You're doing great! Keep it up!!


Trish on April 28, 2010 at 6:25 AM said...

Lunges Kill me! Hate those! I am squee-ing with you! Back of the closet jeans? ROck on with your bad self!


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