
Friday, April 23, 2010

Efforts…meet Sabotage

Starting Weight: 192 lbs
Goal Weight: 132 lbs
Last Time’s Weight: 175 lbs
This Time’s Weight: 173 lbs
This Time’s Loss: 2 lbs
Total Loss: 19 lbs
This Week’s Hours of Zumba: 1.0
Last Week’s Hours of Zumba: 1.5
Total Hours of Zumba: 7

As you can see in the stats above, again “only” a 2 lbs loss in 2 weeks. Last time it was 3 lbs so the numbers are going down and I didn’t even have the pleasure of binging on the birthday cakes and food I mentioned in last week’s blogpost. This really, really pissed me off first because I am sticking rigorously to my 0-calories diet and still not losing the amounts I am supposed to lose for a month now. And when I did give in and ate that half of a wrap (see my posts of a few weeks back) I lost 8 lbs…. 8!!! This is sabotage. My body is really trying to sabotage me into making me fail another diet. Normally when the numbers don’t show what I want them to, it demotivates me and I quit…thinking: “What’s the use anyway?” But I am NOT having it now. I am sticking to this! I am not going to let my body sabotage this because I want it too badly. I want to get to that healthy weight and get to the point where I can switch the o-calories for a healthy and appropriate eating pattern so I can stay on that healthy weight.

This blog, your posts (even if I don’t always have the time to comment, I read the ALL), knowing that you are all a tweet away if needed, it all plays a big part in my resolve not to let my body (and mind) sabotage this attempt once again!



Trish on April 23, 2010 at 9:21 AM said...

Oh this was wonderful!!!! I wrote something similar on my blog today! Remember Quitting in NOT an Option!!

WEIGHT LESS NOT MORE on April 23, 2010 at 10:51 AM said...

Stay strong Pearl, you know the scale is the devil! I try not to get too depressed by the numbers and it's hard, but when the clothes start to feel a little looser - at least it's something. Great work so far!

Robin Bradford on April 23, 2010 at 3:52 PM said...

I know it doesn't look like it right now, but you are doing great! You've already lost 19lbs AND you're steadily going down, no up weeks. That is awesome. With a 19lb loss, I'm sure you have clothes that are too big for you now. You're gonna need a whole new wardrobe to come Stateside! :-) Keep the faith! You ARE making a difference.

Tiffany @ KindleVixen on April 23, 2010 at 6:08 PM said...

Pearl - what does your nutritionist say? I only ask because its not uncommon for your body to go into starvation mode on such a small calorie diet and therefore lower your metabolism, which would lower your loss. How long are you supposed to do this 0 calories diet?

Dara Young on April 26, 2010 at 1:13 PM said...

OMG! Pearl...*sniffle* you are doing so awesome. Don't even think of giving up! I haven't given up yet (despite having fallen off the wagon and getting my ankle caught in the strap so that now I am dragging along behind the stampeding wagon.., well you get my point! LOL! Never say die. You can do this. Check in with your nutririonist who put you on the diet and see what else you can do to maximize weight loss. But most importantly you know we love you here and are behind you 100%!


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