

Hi! My name is Christy and I’m a single momma with three awesome kids ages 14, 11 and 10. They keep me very busy as you can imagine and doing things for myself since they were born has always been kept on the back burner.

I’ve been fairly healthy throughout my life with the exception of letting my weight get out of control after having three kids. I’ve been divorced for 3 years and started taking better care of myself and lost over 30lbs by joining weight watchers.

Fast forward a couple of years and I find myself at over 200 pounds again, 213 lbs to be exact. I’m 5’ 7” inches tall and have more curves than I know what to do with. My thighs have always been big and I’m not sure if I will ever be able to have legs that look natural.

I have always pretty much eaten what I wanted, whenever I wanted and I hardly ever exercise and I have a serious addiction to soda. I mean it’s really bad. After developing problems sleeping at night I decided to switch to caffeine free soda and that seemed to help out a lot but as you can imagine it didn’t affect my weight situation.

So in 2011, I have decided to get healthy and lose this extra weight. I also plan to quit smoking. I’m 39 years old and have smoked since I was 13. I have problems breathing, get easily winded and whenever I have to do any kind of activity I have to stop and take breaks.

I’ve heard that when you quit smoking that you actually gain weight and that might very well happen to me. Although I don’t want to gain any weight, I do understand that it is a possibility.

I am going to try and change my eating habits. I want to get healthy and live life to the fullest. I have this little voice in the back of my head that keeps telling me that I’ll have to starve myself to get thin because all food that’s good for you tastes like crap. Well, I plan on searching for recipes that not only taste good but are also healthy so I can shut the bitch up. I’m also going to make myself exercise.

Finally, I’m really looking forward to being a part of this awesome group. I know it’s going to help me out a lot having others who are in the same position I am in and want to get healthy as well.

Thanks for visiting my About Me page.



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