
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Let's Get Physical!

I have been really good about the exercise! Yay! I have walked and/or worked out almost every day this week. That's right I got physical.

Over the weekend we went camping and well...that was a disaster food wise. I probably ate enough meat to compact my colon into the year 2011. But that's another issue. :D

Sweets are still finding their way into my mouth...not sure how that keeps happening. Yeah, alright I know how it happens. But really, people need to stop bringing that crap to work. So that's really it for now. I am working on getting up every day this week to workout at 5:30am so that the "I'm too busy" excuse won't work. Because honestly I am not doing much at that hour. Just sleeping. Well, I was sleeping...

Remember to smile all the way through your workout! You gotta be there any way, might as well smile. (No? Not buying it? Me either. Someone should tell Billy Blanks.)

- 8/18/2010 8/19/2010 8/20/2010 8/23/2010 8/24/2010 8/25/2010
Exercise Type Light Walking Light Walking Light Walking Billy Blanks Turbo Charged Fat Burner Billy Blanks Turbo Charged Fat Burner Billy Blanks Turbo Charged Fat Burner
Duration 15min 15min 15min 23min 23min 23min



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