
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sorry everyone! This was supposed to post yesterday. I was out of touch and had no idea it didn't publish as scheduled. -Dara

That is what I am doing today! Celebrating. I am celebrating my 2lb loss since last Tuesday. I am also celebrating the total 4lb loss over the last few weeks. (See my ticker! It moved!)

So, obviously eating as a form of celebration is out. What's a girl to do? Well, for me. I bought a book. I picked up Mary Jo Putney's Never Less Than A Lady it is the 2nd book in the Lost Lords series. I got the first one free on Amazon's Kindle site and so had to get this one!

Last week was a pretty good week. Clearly laying off the booze is helping. Although I did slip Friday and have one (large) beer at dinner. But hey one beer in one week isn't so bad. I am pretty happy about it. I have also been using the diet shakes more and not snacking in between. Probably a key factor in my success. Now if I can get my but back in the workout rhythm I think I can capitalize on this start.

My darling husband has even commented he could tell I have lost some weight, so it's a win all the way around!

Now, what I want to know is, as you are working toward your own weight loss (or other) goal, how will you celebrate? Are you planning something different than you might normally as a celebration?
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Baking with Melissa™ on May 20, 2010 at 12:56 PM said...

what diet shakes are you using?

Baking with Melissa™ on May 20, 2010 at 12:57 PM said...

ps congrats! 4 pounds is SUPER!!! I recommit myself every single of these days I will lay off the M&M's and do it already! xoxoxo

Pearl on May 21, 2010 at 8:16 AM said...

Yay! Congrats on the weightloss!

Books as celebration/awards is a very good idea...I am going to ponder how to incorporate it.

I haven't thought about how to celebrate when I reach the end goal. A whole new wardrobe is definitely in the works as I LOVE to shop and by that time will be in dire need of one!


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