
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Injuries & Fine Tuning

Weight: 198
Exercise Hrs: 0

Another week...and still no exercise to speak of. Sigh. The leg is improving to the point I am going to try and start riding the stationary bike. Last week when I thought things were getting better...well they were and then they weren't. I wrote the post on Wednesday night and things were getting better. I went to work Thursday and wore heels. Somewhere over the course of the day I managed to strain my ankle causing it to swell up and (since I was doing a fair amount of walking) then my thigh and knee started hurting again. :( My leg was swelling and hurt a lot.

In the end I am just starting to feel better. I went to a conference on Tuesday and walked around for two hours. Then Wednesday I was walking all over the campus at work. So even though I am saying 0 for hours of exercise, I did do some.

Food. Well, I realized that I was being too restrictive which is why I couldn't stick with the diet. I needed more calories per day to be satisfied and not starving my body. After checking out a few websites I bumped my calories up from 1200 to about 1500 a day. A small but very helpful change. Most days I am managing to actually eat fewer calories due to the little bit of "exercise" I am getting. So, there it is. I can't say I am doing well yet, but I think once I can exercise again I will see some progress.

How about you? Any fine tuning to your original plan?


Christy Townzen on January 27, 2011 at 7:14 AM said...

Hi Dara *waves* So far I'm sticking to what I've been doing. Healthy diet and hitting the gym everyday except for Sat and Sun. Have an apt coming up with my trainer. She's going to be going over nutritional info with me so I'm looking forward to that.


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