
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Failing the Challenge

Weight: 198
Exercise Hrs: 0
Calories for the week: ????k/9,600k

Well, the week was a bomb. I ate badly thanks to a misunderstanding with DH. Apparently he thought I was only dieting during the week. Pppfffttt. Still not exercising, and yes I gained a pound back. Sigh. Mostly the week sucked because I still haven't exercised, but I hope to get that moving in the next few days. The good news is...I still haven't had a drop of alcohol since the 5th! Woo hoo! Boy am I gonna be an easy drunk on Valentine's Day. LOL!

So, the week wasn't so great for me. But this is a new period and I am going to move forward, stay focused, and try to slowly start my exercise up. The leg is feeling much better and that means I am going to try a slow and easy return to exercising. My first goal is to get on the stationary bike and start pedaling. A few days of that and I think I will be able to move on to Billy Blanks and my regular workout schedule. Hopefully once I do that I will start to see some weight come off. Until then, there ain't much to say except I'm still fat.

So come and share with the group: What challenges have you faced since 2011 started? How have you dealt with them? Until next week, may your weight loss efforts be more fruitful than mine!


Edittorrent on January 20, 2011 at 8:14 AM said...

I've had a rough start to the year, too. Gained weight over the holidays and still have mountains of cookies and other crap in the house -- my sister keeps dumping this stuff on my counter, and she needs to stop it. Grr.

But I'm making progress. And so are you. All we can do is look forward and build on success, no matter how small that success might be at the moment. We can prevail!



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