
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Im not dead... just a slacker.

Calorie CounterI know... you are like.. who is this KindleVixen chick? I don't remember her.


I have been a very very bad blogger. Very bad.
School this semester has been incredibly time consuming, only 4 classes but 3 of which are writing intensive. Thankfully I am down to just 3 classes and can stop using that as a crutch for my twitloss slackitude.

In spite of my slackness I have managed to lost a pound or so, I consider that a success all things considered.

Now - I stop being a puss and get back to the gym. Zumba Wednesdays, Body Pump Tuesday and Fridays, cardio the rest. I am also doing a combination of calorie watching using the Daily Burn app and the Eat Clean diet. It is a pretty simple theory, eat whole foods and make them count. 

Let's hope that I'm back next week with a good update! If not, someone kick me in the ass!


Dara Young on October 29, 2010 at 10:07 AM said...

Glad to see you posting again! It is so hard to keep your focus on weight loss when life is overwhelming you. :D It's always the first thing I shove off my plate. :( Certainly not the food!


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